There are millions of websites on internet which claims that you will be succesful in making money with us. Most of them are found a fake at last. Some websites pay $150 for reading e-mails for 30-45 seconds, just think if any one is going to earn $150 in 30 seconds just for reading emails than why a common man need to do work, each one of them would be as rich as Bill Gates in few years.
Well now you have come to the right place for learning and earning online by a true program having name Google, when you visit websites you would have come accross "ads by google" , when you click that ad the publisher of that ad get paid, yes pays.
Instead of going around fake website . So instead of dwelling here and there try google adsnse , you work from home without investment and earn money
How Can I Earn on internet
If you have website or blog, you can place adsense ads on your blog and whenever visitor of your website clicks ads you got paid. You are paid on monthely basis, via check when your earning reaches $100 mark, it is minimum pay out.
How do I get Traffic to my Website
There are thousands of free classified websites available on internet where you can advertise your website for it.
Just google search " free classified ads", and you would see thousands of sites. you can take part in forums related to subject of your websites etc. In up coming post I shall discuss with you more on " How to Get Traffic"
How much I will have to pay
Nothing, not a single cent, no need to pay, yes work from home without investment .
What is my work
you have to create a blog as I have created at, or or It is up to your choice.
After that
Now you need content for your blog, If you can write by your self it is good, other wise you will have to do extra work Search for article directories, (,, are some examples) down load articles from these sites, take ideas from these artilces and rewrite them in your own words. and post them to your blog.
What do I do after creating a blog ?
Sign up for adsense at .if your contents are good enough, your applications will be approved in one day and you will get access to your adsense account from there you can create your ads place the code in your blog.
if due to some reasons your application does not get approved , there fore sign up for BidVertiser at It is alternate to google adsense. The benifit with bidvertiser is that they have $10 pay out with paypal
Simply promote your website and will get many many vistors and they in return click on google ads and you earn money. simple way to earn money and work from home without investment
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
how to create a blog

When you are just starting out in blogging, your first stop should probably be Blogger ( blogger has two main strengths.
1. set up is fast : you can be up and running with your own blog in 5 minutes.
2. It is owned by Google. That mens your adsense implementation is going to be smoother.
1.1 Creating a blogger account:
its very easy to creat a blog
The first stage is to create your account by choosing a username, a password and a display name the name that will appear on your blog.
The second stage is to name your blog . again you dont have to go in deep "my blog" or jhon's blog" is good enough. At the same time you shall be asked to create your own URL. This will be you might have to enter a few possibilities before you come up with an address that has not been taken. you are not the first person to discover blogging.
you can also host your blog some wher elese if you want to which is nice if you have a domain name of your own that your would like to use. but if you want to sme time, just use blogger's own server.
And the third stage is to choose a template. Blogger offers twelve templates to start with and once you have made your choice you can change is to suit your taste. they are all good. Professional designs though, so even if you leave your template unchanged you shall still have a good looking site. and if none of those take your fancy you can change it later.
You shall be taken to a page where you can start writing and posting. you shall also be able to change the settings and formats of your blog control the comments and play with the templates if you want.
The most important points on the blog though are what you put in the writing space and you can start doing that right away and your adsense ads. you can start putting those in right away too.
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
check the basic things for a blog
AS per google policy never use your BLOG link in below things for traffic generation google may ban or suspend account.
never use third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs.
These programs offer incentives for users to view web pages or click on ads, resulting in activity that is harmful to our advertisers
NEVER click on ur own ads .
NEVER tell other to click ur ads.
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AS per google policy never use your BLOG link in below things for traffic generation google may ban or suspend account.
never use third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs.
These programs offer incentives for users to view web pages or click on ads, resulting in activity that is harmful to our advertisers
NEVER click on ur own ads .
NEVER tell other to click ur ads.
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what is adsense
ARTICLE BY DIANE NASSY - CREDIT TO Diane Nassy ( i found from google search )
Whats Google AdSense?
by: Diane Nassy
AdSense may be one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize traffic to your web site whether you have products or services for sale or you simply provide free content to your visitors.
Simply stated, Google AdSense enables website operators to place some code on their site that connects to Google’s ad server content database and pulls keyword-relevant advertising onto the web pages. The webmaster gets paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser every time a visitor clicks on an ad. There is no charge for the webmaster to participate in AdSense.
All costs are covered by the advertiser who participates in the AdSense sister program called AdWords. Google’s sends out digital “robots” which use proprietary algorithms to parse the host web page and analyze the content in an effort to determine what keywords are relevant. It reports its findings back to Google’s ad server which then serves ads matching those keywords. Given that the entire process is automated, the “ad robots” do a pretty good job of getting the advertising content right most of the time. The History of Google AdSense Google AdSense has its roots in the old “Google Content-Targeted Advertising” program which they introduced back in March of 2003.
Although this program was similar in concept to AdSense, there was no automated way of participating. Each webmaster negotiated a deal directly with Google, and websites that served less than 20 million page views per month were not welcome to participate. As Google grew, they began to see how much money they were leaving on the table by excluding the smaller sites, which greatly outnumbered the sites serving over 20 million hits that were willing to serve other people’s ads.
Their answer to that problem was AdSense which has no minimum traffic requirements and is open to all sites meeting Google’s content and decency requirements. How much can you make running Google AdSense?
The answer to that question depends upon three factors:
1. How much traffic your site draws
2.How many visitors click on your ads
3.How much those ads pay per generated click With some ads paying as much as $5 or more, it’s possible that you can generate a serious income with AdSense.
There are relatively well documented cases of some people earning as much as $500 per DAY and more. Numbers like that are rare exceptions however. Make sure that you read their Acceptable Use Policy and that you follow their content requirements.
Google has their own “AdSense Police” who will have no problem booting you out of the program if you fail to walk the line. Using Google AdSense on your site is like collecting free money.
There’s no reason not to do it and potentially thousands of dollars worth of reasons to do it.
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Whats Google AdSense?
by: Diane Nassy
AdSense may be one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize traffic to your web site whether you have products or services for sale or you simply provide free content to your visitors.
Simply stated, Google AdSense enables website operators to place some code on their site that connects to Google’s ad server content database and pulls keyword-relevant advertising onto the web pages. The webmaster gets paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser every time a visitor clicks on an ad. There is no charge for the webmaster to participate in AdSense.
All costs are covered by the advertiser who participates in the AdSense sister program called AdWords. Google’s sends out digital “robots” which use proprietary algorithms to parse the host web page and analyze the content in an effort to determine what keywords are relevant. It reports its findings back to Google’s ad server which then serves ads matching those keywords. Given that the entire process is automated, the “ad robots” do a pretty good job of getting the advertising content right most of the time. The History of Google AdSense Google AdSense has its roots in the old “Google Content-Targeted Advertising” program which they introduced back in March of 2003.
Although this program was similar in concept to AdSense, there was no automated way of participating. Each webmaster negotiated a deal directly with Google, and websites that served less than 20 million page views per month were not welcome to participate. As Google grew, they began to see how much money they were leaving on the table by excluding the smaller sites, which greatly outnumbered the sites serving over 20 million hits that were willing to serve other people’s ads.
Their answer to that problem was AdSense which has no minimum traffic requirements and is open to all sites meeting Google’s content and decency requirements. How much can you make running Google AdSense?
The answer to that question depends upon three factors:
1. How much traffic your site draws
2.How many visitors click on your ads
3.How much those ads pay per generated click With some ads paying as much as $5 or more, it’s possible that you can generate a serious income with AdSense.
There are relatively well documented cases of some people earning as much as $500 per DAY and more. Numbers like that are rare exceptions however. Make sure that you read their Acceptable Use Policy and that you follow their content requirements.
Google has their own “AdSense Police” who will have no problem booting you out of the program if you fail to walk the line. Using Google AdSense on your site is like collecting free money.
There’s no reason not to do it and potentially thousands of dollars worth of reasons to do it.
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Not to do with google adsense
1)There is no question that you can make some good money with Google AdSense, but you’re setting yourself up for disaster if you make any of these Top 10 mistakes! 1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account. Google says that’s a no-no and they will cut your account off and keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.
2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change. Any attempt to bypass Google’s built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You’re not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.
3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all "thank you" pages. Don’t ask me why you can’t put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.
4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page at the same time. That just makes plain good sense. Google doesn’t demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.
5. Don't "beg for clicks" or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads. This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the “get paid to do stuff” sites that put Google ads in the member’s control panels are walking the plank and they don’t even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to “help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsor’s ads” are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.
6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it! Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it won’t be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.
7. No misleading labeling Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: “Publishers may not label the ads with text other than ‘sponsored links’ or ‘advertisements.’ This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.” This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Google’s tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.
8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks You may be tempted to buy one of those “generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds” programs that are so popular these days but I’ll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include: • ”Sneaky” page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit. • Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content. • Hidden text or links of any type. • Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. I’d keep it way below that. • And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google’s mouth: “Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links.
9. Don’t advertise anything on Google’s prohibited items list. It’s a lot shorter lists than PayPal’s or eBay’s, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff. 10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that’s designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers
2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change. Any attempt to bypass Google’s built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. You’re not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.
3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all "thank you" pages. Don’t ask me why you can’t put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.
4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page at the same time. That just makes plain good sense. Google doesn’t demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.
5. Don't "beg for clicks" or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads. This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the “get paid to do stuff” sites that put Google ads in the member’s control panels are walking the plank and they don’t even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to “help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsor’s ads” are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.
6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it! Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it won’t be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.
7. No misleading labeling Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: “Publishers may not label the ads with text other than ‘sponsored links’ or ‘advertisements.’ This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.” This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Google’s tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.
8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks You may be tempted to buy one of those “generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds” programs that are so popular these days but I’ll tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include: • ”Sneaky” page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit. • Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content. • Hidden text or links of any type. • Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. I’d keep it way below that. • And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Google’s mouth: “Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links.
9. Don’t advertise anything on Google’s prohibited items list. It’s a lot shorter lists than PayPal’s or eBay’s, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff. 10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that’s designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers
Thursday, January 24, 2008
basic thing to earn by adsense
1. Content
2. Keywords
3. Your ads
4. Traffic
CONTEXT: CONTEXT is king.A good context is always a winner !keep in mind wht people want to read wht people like .good context means more visitors …more visitors means more ads …more ads mean more click and more click means more money.
KEYWORD: Always have a good keyword and tag your keyword and make it as http link to your site .good keyword means google and other search engine .Link to your site and u earn.
Ads: Good context and good keyword will all together give u high Pay ads by Google adsense.
TRAFFIC : Get the best phrases for your site. By that I mean the ones that will get you the most traffic .
1. Content
2. Keywords
3. Your ads
4. Traffic
CONTEXT: CONTEXT is king.A good context is always a winner !keep in mind wht people want to read wht people like .good context means more visitors …more visitors means more ads …more ads mean more click and more click means more money.
KEYWORD: Always have a good keyword and tag your keyword and make it as http link to your site .good keyword means google and other search engine .Link to your site and u earn.
Ads: Good context and good keyword will all together give u high Pay ads by Google adsense.
TRAFFIC : Get the best phrases for your site. By that I mean the ones that will get you the most traffic .
adsense page positioning
Google Adsense Page Positioning (credit to ElliottKenneth )foung by
by ElliottKenneth
Correct positioning of your Google adsense ads can make or break your success with the Google adsense program. Why is this true? Some studies suggest that eye positioning on website gravitate to particular sections of web pages. And if you don’t have the necessary ads in these positions you will not get the clicks. I talked to countless people that have great traffic, some with 300 to 1000 new visitors a day that say that they only make approx. at max $10 to $20 dollars a month on the adsense program. What a shame. But when I look at their websites the ads are either buried in wording that no one usually pays attention to or the ads are located in positions that just don’t call any attention to their presence. So were the best locations for you Google adsense ads.
Well, I have found the number one best place for the ads are near or in proximity to your main menu. Why near your main menu. Because you know that visitors eyes will and always look for the menu structure of your website. So the common places for placement should be to the top right, the very top under your menu, or the top left. These are the most common locations for you main menu. But what about the color scheme of the Google adsense ads? Yes, color is very important.
You have to make the ads looks as seamless as possible. Here is an example on one of my website Here I decided to position the ads at the very top right under my main menu. In direct eye contact. Also, remove the borders; just these two changes will increase your adsense proceeds one hundred percent. By using these tactics I was able to increase my adsense click through rate significantly depending on traffic level and people's interest.
Take my advice and give it try. I believe you will see a change and hopefully make adsense a more pleasurable experience
by ElliottKenneth
Correct positioning of your Google adsense ads can make or break your success with the Google adsense program. Why is this true? Some studies suggest that eye positioning on website gravitate to particular sections of web pages. And if you don’t have the necessary ads in these positions you will not get the clicks. I talked to countless people that have great traffic, some with 300 to 1000 new visitors a day that say that they only make approx. at max $10 to $20 dollars a month on the adsense program. What a shame. But when I look at their websites the ads are either buried in wording that no one usually pays attention to or the ads are located in positions that just don’t call any attention to their presence. So were the best locations for you Google adsense ads.
Well, I have found the number one best place for the ads are near or in proximity to your main menu. Why near your main menu. Because you know that visitors eyes will and always look for the menu structure of your website. So the common places for placement should be to the top right, the very top under your menu, or the top left. These are the most common locations for you main menu. But what about the color scheme of the Google adsense ads? Yes, color is very important.
You have to make the ads looks as seamless as possible. Here is an example on one of my website Here I decided to position the ads at the very top right under my main menu. In direct eye contact. Also, remove the borders; just these two changes will increase your adsense proceeds one hundred percent. By using these tactics I was able to increase my adsense click through rate significantly depending on traffic level and people's interest.
Take my advice and give it try. I believe you will see a change and hopefully make adsense a more pleasurable experience
best place to put ads
Where’s the best place to put Google Adsense Ads?
by: Diane Nassy
Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.
Google’s own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough.
When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.
Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.
Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google AdSense response. You can read their findings here (
Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google AdSense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your AdSense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.
One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against AdSense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google AdSense clickthrough. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.
Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google AdSense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.
Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters.
by: Diane Nassy
Why, on your web pages of course. Ok, just kidding. The real question should be: “Is there really any truth to the rumors that where you place those Google AdSense ads can actually improve response?” According to my best information, the answer to that question is: Yes.
Google’s own AdSense experts say that that there is a direct correlation between the placement of the AdSense ads and the resulting clickthrough.
When ads are placed in “content zones”, rather than in “advertising zones”, response rates on Google AdWords goes up. There are also indications showing that ads appearing on the right side of the page get clicked more than ads appearing on the left side.
Advertising analysts with degrees in human behavior and psychology have spent thousands of man-years (people-years?) studying how people read printed and Internet content and what it takes to get them to respond to ads. While some of these studies are proprietary, or are only available to anyone with $10,000 or more to spend on a copy, other studies have been made public and can be read by anyone who is interested.
Google themselves has released some relevant information which is focused directly on increasing your Google AdSense response. You can read their findings here (
Of course, all of the studies in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans if the findings don’t work on your web site. That’s why it is important to test, test and test again. Experiment with your Google AdSense placement and track the results over a period of time. Google provides response tracking tools in your AdSense control panel. Learn how to use them. As you begin to see what may be only subtle differences in response, you’ll be able to determine what works best for your particular site. But don’t get complacent. What’s working for you now might not work next month if you change your site design or content.
One of the most important factors in determining placement of your ads is the type of content that your site delivers. If you are primarily an e-commerce site, and you have a lot of pictures and ad copy for your own products competing for attention against AdSense ads, then it is going to be a particularly tough challenge getting any kind of decent Google AdSense clickthrough. It is situations like this that require very thorough testing and a lot of trial and error.
Blogs seem to have a lot of success generating high response rates to Google AdSense listings. Perhaps it’s because blog readers realize that ad revenue is the only way that their favorite blogmaster can keep the lights on, so the readers think of clicking on ads as a way to make a donation.
Regardless of what the experts say, your best bet is to tailor your Google AdSense ad placement to what your own experience shows works best for you. In the end, you’re the only expert who matters.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
tips for creating sites
Google AdSense: 7 Tips For Creating Sites That Make Money ( crdit to Neil Bartlett .i found from google )
by: Neil Bartlett
Having a Google AdSense site is a great way to make money. And to create an AdSense site, all you have to do is have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you get your site up and running, the AdSense ads will be targeted to your content. Therefore, those looking for your content will come by, read your articles, and have a high probability of being interested in the targeted ads. Every time someone clicks an ad, you get paid! That is, as long as you have designed your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs! Let's look at seven tips for creating AdSense sites that create money.
#1: Keyword Density Before you place ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You will want to be sure that the right kinds of ads are placed on your site. A free way to determine what the ads will look like on your site is to go to and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site. If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of Word Tracker.
#2: Focused Not only will the ads be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content. You definitely want your keywords and your content to match as closely as possible.
#3: Write Often The more information you have the better. Why? Because the more content you have, the more visitors you get. Many people suggest that you write a new article every day since no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!
#4: Choose The Right Format AdSense allows you to choose many different ad formats. Research has shown that wider ads are more successful. The top three formats are: " 336x280 large rectangle " 300x250 medium rectangle " 160x600 wide skyscraper Additionally, the 468x15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.
#5: Color Counts You have the option to create a Google AdSense ad in any color of your choice. The best thing to do is to make your ad blend well with your site color scheme. You should make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or the color of your main content. When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.
#6: Position Counts, Too It is well known that visitors to a website scan the site to determine if it is worth reading. You definitely want them to see and scan your AdSense ads. Therefore, the best place to put them is in the top left part of your page or directly under your headlines.
#7: Increase The Number AdSense allows you to use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes, and one unit of ad links. Using all that you can increases the chances of earning money. Keep these seven tips in mind when creating your AdSense site and you will find that your clickthrough rates increase, thus increasing your money making potential.
by: Neil Bartlett
Having a Google AdSense site is a great way to make money. And to create an AdSense site, all you have to do is have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you get your site up and running, the AdSense ads will be targeted to your content. Therefore, those looking for your content will come by, read your articles, and have a high probability of being interested in the targeted ads. Every time someone clicks an ad, you get paid! That is, as long as you have designed your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs! Let's look at seven tips for creating AdSense sites that create money.
#1: Keyword Density Before you place ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You will want to be sure that the right kinds of ads are placed on your site. A free way to determine what the ads will look like on your site is to go to and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site. If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of Word Tracker.
#2: Focused Not only will the ads be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content. You definitely want your keywords and your content to match as closely as possible.
#3: Write Often The more information you have the better. Why? Because the more content you have, the more visitors you get. Many people suggest that you write a new article every day since no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!
#4: Choose The Right Format AdSense allows you to choose many different ad formats. Research has shown that wider ads are more successful. The top three formats are: " 336x280 large rectangle " 300x250 medium rectangle " 160x600 wide skyscraper Additionally, the 468x15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.
#5: Color Counts You have the option to create a Google AdSense ad in any color of your choice. The best thing to do is to make your ad blend well with your site color scheme. You should make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or the color of your main content. When creating your Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.
#6: Position Counts, Too It is well known that visitors to a website scan the site to determine if it is worth reading. You definitely want them to see and scan your AdSense ads. Therefore, the best place to put them is in the top left part of your page or directly under your headlines.
#7: Increase The Number AdSense allows you to use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes, and one unit of ad links. Using all that you can increases the chances of earning money. Keep these seven tips in mind when creating your AdSense site and you will find that your clickthrough rates increase, thus increasing your money making potential.
Monday, January 21, 2008
how to increase traffic
Send me One Million FREE Guaranteed Visitors
1))sign up for : Joel Comm -- great adsense expert.
2))sign up : and put up their tag on ur blog.
3))sign up : and put the headline animator blocks on ur blog most popular pages and after a day or so I noticed a significant increase in traffic for 5 minutes worth of work on my part.
CHECK THIS --- go get help abt feedburner.
4)) click here and Sign Up With Sulekha's site and simply copy and paste ur blog article and below give ur blogger link. Because sulekha has good with google search engine and if u sign up u can get 5-10 vistors free .
5)) Exchange links,post ur blog address to groups and forum,
6)) Submit to 5 - ten free classified ad website .
7)) Submit to google,msn,yahoo engine so that u when any one search google send them to ur blog
8)) Post ur blog on orkut forum.
9)) Update 2 times a week
Get this book
GET 77 WAYS TO INCREASE TRAFFIC .just free of cost.
10)) click and right click and save target as ..
FREE submissions FOR search engines :
*MSN go click here.
*Open Directory dmoz.
*SearchIt go click here.This is also free.
*Exalead go click here
*JDGO go click here.
Directory go click here.
*IceRocket go click here.
*free Website Directory go click here.
*Walhello go click here
.*AllFreeThings go click here.
*Aeiwi go click here.
*AddUrlFree go click here.
*Sah*go click here.*Vxbox go click here.
*ExactSeek go click here.
*All the Web go click here.
*Altavista go click here.
*Scrub the Web go click here.
*Sympatico go click here.
*True Search go click here.
*Lycos go click here.
tips to increase traffic (credit to
1. Optimize your site (SEO).
Win on the search engines when people search for keyword phrases related to your products or services.
(More about search engine optimization.)
2. Get your site listed in directories.
Submit your site to all the major web directories. This will generate traffic directly from the directories themselves and will also help to improve your link popularity. That helps you win on Google!
(More about web directories.)
3. Get listed in search engines.
Submit your site to all the major search engines.
(More about search engines.)
4. Get links to your site.
Get people with complimentary sites to link to yours. You offer rental kayaks on the beach. Ask the local restaurant owners to link to you, and offer to link to them. Ask the local tour guides, the real estate agents, the night clubs, and everyone else. Links lead to clicks onto your website and help to improve your search engine rankings.
5. Buy links to your site.
Buy text links on other websites. That means more spiders stopping by, more people clicking through, and better search engine rankings.
6. Buy banner ads.
Buy banner ads on other websites. It helps to build brand recognition.
7. Participate in a banner exchange program.
It won't cost you anything, and will lead to a few extra visitors. Plus, you're spreading your brand all over the place.
8. Participate in a WebRing.
Connect your site with other sites in your niche.
9. Pay for clicks to your site.
Pay for clicks or inclusion on the search engines so that people will see your site in the sponsored links section of the search results when they search for keyword phrases related to your products or services.
(More about pay per click.)
10. Set up an affiliate marketing program.
With affiliate marketing, you can either pay per click, pay per lead generated, pay per sale, or pay per customer acquired.
11. Use smart public relations (PR).
Get news coverage of your business and your site. Approach online and traditional media. This will often lead to others placing links pointing to your website, which leads to more clicks and also to improved search engine rankings.
12. Use E-mail marketing.
Ugly, but effective for the cost. Blast out your special offers, but be nice about it.
13. Use off-line marketing.
Promote your site. Put your url on all your license plates. Paint it on your car. Buy newspaper and yellow pages ads with your url. Put up flyers and stickers. Sponsor a little league team. Do anything and everything to spread the word about your website around your city.
14. Run regular promotions.
Stage regular giveaways and spread the word about it.
15. Get published.
Write articles for publication on other websites. The author profile will link to your site. The article will show that you're an expert.
16. Publish yourself.
Write articles for your own site regularly. This will help you to win on the search engines and gives your visitors a reason to come back over and over.
17. Ask for reviews.
Ask for reviews of your self-published articles on other webmasters' websites. Ask for reviews of your website, your products, your software, your services. These will usually include links to your articles.
18. Write briefs.
Write daily or weekly news briefs focusing in on your industry or specialty area. This keeps your site "fresh" in the eyes of the major search engines and helps you to spread a wide net when fishing for top search engine positions.
19. Create a newsletter.
Ask your visitors to sign up for your newsletter, and encourage them to send it along to people they know. Send a newsletter regularly with teasers or lead-ins to your in-depth new articles or with special offers and the latest products.
20. Post in chat rooms.
Become active in bulletin boards and chat rooms focusing on your industry. Leave inciteful comments, and people will click on your profile, then visit your site.
21. Give away free stuff.
Offer something people want at your site. Give them a reason to come back and get more. Offer free downloads and update them regularly. Offer coupons or discounts. Content content content.
22. Give awards for excellent sites in your niche.
This builds more links back to your site and establishes you as a credible reviewer, an expert in your space.
23. Run a contest and promote it.
Photo contests, essay contests, goofy contests, random drawings, anything. Example: Messiest Garage in America contest on
24. Join your local business organizations.
Chambers of Commerce and other organizations will often add your site to their member directory. That's an added advantage over the obvious business-building and networking opportunities.
25. Create an RSS feed.
Give people another way to interact with your content.
26. Be accessible.
Build your site so that it is accessible to all browsers and to PocketPC and Palm Pilot users. Don't forget, people with disabilities buy things too. Make your site Section 508 complaint. Your competition probably hasn't.
We really couldn't stop at Z. This last suggestion is our most important one:
Be a good Internet citizen.
Provide useful resources on your website, resources that make people feel thankful that you put in the time and effort. Help every person who ever calls you on the telephone or emails you a question. When they ask "How can I ever thank you?" just say, "If you like my site and think it's useful, why not link to it?"
1))sign up for : Joel Comm -- great adsense expert.
2))sign up : and put up their tag on ur blog.
3))sign up : and put the headline animator blocks on ur blog most popular pages and after a day or so I noticed a significant increase in traffic for 5 minutes worth of work on my part.
CHECK THIS --- go get help abt feedburner.
4)) click here and Sign Up With Sulekha's site and simply copy and paste ur blog article and below give ur blogger link. Because sulekha has good with google search engine and if u sign up u can get 5-10 vistors free .
5)) Exchange links,post ur blog address to groups and forum,
6)) Submit to 5 - ten free classified ad website .
7)) Submit to google,msn,yahoo engine so that u when any one search google send them to ur blog
8)) Post ur blog on orkut forum.
9)) Update 2 times a week
Get this book
GET 77 WAYS TO INCREASE TRAFFIC .just free of cost.
10)) click and right click and save target as ..
FREE submissions FOR search engines :
*MSN go click here.
*Open Directory dmoz.
*SearchIt go click here.This is also free.
*Exalead go click here
*JDGO go click here.
Directory go click here.
*IceRocket go click here.
*free Website Directory go click here.
*Walhello go click here
.*AllFreeThings go click here.
*Aeiwi go click here.
*AddUrlFree go click here.
*Sah*go click here.*Vxbox go click here.
*ExactSeek go click here.
*All the Web go click here.
*Altavista go click here.
*Scrub the Web go click here.
*Sympatico go click here.
*True Search go click here.
*Lycos go click here.
tips to increase traffic (credit to
1. Optimize your site (SEO).
Win on the search engines when people search for keyword phrases related to your products or services.
(More about search engine optimization.)
2. Get your site listed in directories.
Submit your site to all the major web directories. This will generate traffic directly from the directories themselves and will also help to improve your link popularity. That helps you win on Google!
(More about web directories.)
3. Get listed in search engines.
Submit your site to all the major search engines.
(More about search engines.)
4. Get links to your site.
Get people with complimentary sites to link to yours. You offer rental kayaks on the beach. Ask the local restaurant owners to link to you, and offer to link to them. Ask the local tour guides, the real estate agents, the night clubs, and everyone else. Links lead to clicks onto your website and help to improve your search engine rankings.
5. Buy links to your site.
Buy text links on other websites. That means more spiders stopping by, more people clicking through, and better search engine rankings.
6. Buy banner ads.
Buy banner ads on other websites. It helps to build brand recognition.
7. Participate in a banner exchange program.
It won't cost you anything, and will lead to a few extra visitors. Plus, you're spreading your brand all over the place.
8. Participate in a WebRing.
Connect your site with other sites in your niche.
9. Pay for clicks to your site.
Pay for clicks or inclusion on the search engines so that people will see your site in the sponsored links section of the search results when they search for keyword phrases related to your products or services.
(More about pay per click.)
10. Set up an affiliate marketing program.
With affiliate marketing, you can either pay per click, pay per lead generated, pay per sale, or pay per customer acquired.
11. Use smart public relations (PR).
Get news coverage of your business and your site. Approach online and traditional media. This will often lead to others placing links pointing to your website, which leads to more clicks and also to improved search engine rankings.
12. Use E-mail marketing.
Ugly, but effective for the cost. Blast out your special offers, but be nice about it.
13. Use off-line marketing.
Promote your site. Put your url on all your license plates. Paint it on your car. Buy newspaper and yellow pages ads with your url. Put up flyers and stickers. Sponsor a little league team. Do anything and everything to spread the word about your website around your city.
14. Run regular promotions.
Stage regular giveaways and spread the word about it.
15. Get published.
Write articles for publication on other websites. The author profile will link to your site. The article will show that you're an expert.
16. Publish yourself.
Write articles for your own site regularly. This will help you to win on the search engines and gives your visitors a reason to come back over and over.
17. Ask for reviews.
Ask for reviews of your self-published articles on other webmasters' websites. Ask for reviews of your website, your products, your software, your services. These will usually include links to your articles.
18. Write briefs.
Write daily or weekly news briefs focusing in on your industry or specialty area. This keeps your site "fresh" in the eyes of the major search engines and helps you to spread a wide net when fishing for top search engine positions.
19. Create a newsletter.
Ask your visitors to sign up for your newsletter, and encourage them to send it along to people they know. Send a newsletter regularly with teasers or lead-ins to your in-depth new articles or with special offers and the latest products.
20. Post in chat rooms.
Become active in bulletin boards and chat rooms focusing on your industry. Leave inciteful comments, and people will click on your profile, then visit your site.
21. Give away free stuff.
Offer something people want at your site. Give them a reason to come back and get more. Offer free downloads and update them regularly. Offer coupons or discounts. Content content content.
22. Give awards for excellent sites in your niche.
This builds more links back to your site and establishes you as a credible reviewer, an expert in your space.
23. Run a contest and promote it.
Photo contests, essay contests, goofy contests, random drawings, anything. Example: Messiest Garage in America contest on
24. Join your local business organizations.
Chambers of Commerce and other organizations will often add your site to their member directory. That's an added advantage over the obvious business-building and networking opportunities.
25. Create an RSS feed.
Give people another way to interact with your content.
26. Be accessible.
Build your site so that it is accessible to all browsers and to PocketPC and Palm Pilot users. Don't forget, people with disabilities buy things too. Make your site Section 508 complaint. Your competition probably hasn't.
We really couldn't stop at Z. This last suggestion is our most important one:
Be a good Internet citizen.
Provide useful resources on your website, resources that make people feel thankful that you put in the time and effort. Help every person who ever calls you on the telephone or emails you a question. When they ask "How can I ever thank you?" just say, "If you like my site and think it's useful, why not link to it?"
Search Engine Optimization
Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines
How to drive Traffic
It is clear that all of us want targeted traffic, and it is natural, because without traffic our blog is worthless and we can not work from home wtithout investment. As you can see below after optimizing my blog, it appeared on first page in google search.(9th one)
Online search engine optimization depends on
1) Blog Layout (URL, blog title, Blog descreption, Sidebar headers and other things added to blog lay out)
2) Post Layout (Post Title, Post Header, Sub headers and content of post)
Offline Search engine Optimization depends on following
1) Backlinks (which comes from high Page Rank site, Relevant site, site having relevant keywords)
To explain all this let us pick one key word " Search Engine Optimization "
Our blog title should be "search engine optimizaion".
Our side bar should also have "search engine optimization" in its titles.
The blog description should be filled with your keywords as you can see above in my page. Besides that we can create our sidebar titles and fit our other keywords there.
The search engine crawls your page from top left, then left coloumn, then second coloumn and end up at lower right corner of your web page. It only wants to know only what your page is about. No where between your URL and your comments bot should run into any confusion, don,t include any previous post link, any home page link, any thing that doesnt tell what your page is about. when search engine reaches your actual post, it would have read your keywords in your URL, your blog title and descreption, till than it would come to know what your blog is about. This is SEO.
dont forget to wirte once again your main keyword at the end of post, as in this case Search engine optimizaiton.
Linking info:
Title: Link exchange
Description: Linkalizer offers the most efficient way for you to exchange quality links.
While optimizing your blog, it should be realized that you don't want to optimized for all search engines, but for but you want to optimize your blog for the Google.
How to drive Traffic
It is clear that all of us want targeted traffic, and it is natural, because without traffic our blog is worthless and we can not work from home wtithout investment. As you can see below after optimizing my blog, it appeared on first page in google search.(9th one)
click to enlarge
on line search engine optimization
on line search engine optimization
off line search engine optimizaion
off line search engine optimizaion
Online search engine optimization depends on
1) Blog Layout (URL, blog title, Blog descreption, Sidebar headers and other things added to blog lay out)
2) Post Layout (Post Title, Post Header, Sub headers and content of post)
Offline Search engine Optimization depends on following
1) Backlinks (which comes from high Page Rank site, Relevant site, site having relevant keywords)
To explain all this let us pick one key word " Search Engine Optimization "
Blog Layout
Best URL for this keyword will be searchengineoptimizaion.(dot)com
if it is available other wise you should take use url containing key word search engine optimizaion.
if it is available other wise you should take use url containing key word search engine optimizaion.
Our blog title should be "search engine optimizaion".
Our side bar should also have "search engine optimization" in its titles.
The blog description should be filled with your keywords as you can see above in my page. Besides that we can create our sidebar titles and fit our other keywords there.
The search engine crawls your page from top left, then left coloumn, then second coloumn and end up at lower right corner of your web page. It only wants to know only what your page is about. No where between your URL and your comments bot should run into any confusion, don,t include any previous post link, any home page link, any thing that doesnt tell what your page is about. when search engine reaches your actual post, it would have read your keywords in your URL, your blog title and descreption, till than it would come to know what your blog is about. This is SEO.
Post Layout
The post is a bonus, becaus search engine has indexed you for your main keywords before reading your post. After reading the post search engine will have added a good many long terms categorize your blog under as well. As in this case you can easily say that this post is about search engine optimization. This is SEO. Write your posts in such a manner that it could cover maximum number of your keywords, don,t forget to bold, italicized and underline the keywords.
If you don,t describe clearly, and post with lot of keywords in your posts, none of them is highlighted then search engine would pickup unnecessary keywords which you dont require.
Can you tell what are keywords for this post. see below
Search engine optimization, how to get traffic, online search engine optimization, offline search engine optimization, Blog layout , Post layout , Seo.
dont forget to wirte once again your main keyword at the end of post, as in this case Search engine optimizaiton.
Linking info:
Title: Link exchange
Description: Linkalizer offers the most efficient way for you to exchange quality links.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
check dead links
Sign out from ur blog or webserver
go to above link and type ur web url
this will show any dead link in ur blog
so that u can know whts wrong in ur blog or why r u not earning .
very very helpfull link .
please make a check atleast once a week.
go to above link and type ur web url
this will show any dead link in ur blog
so that u can know whts wrong in ur blog or why r u not earning .
very very helpfull link .
please make a check atleast once a week.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
the text link with ad clout
Google AdSense – The text link ad with clout
by: J. E. Johnson
Webmasters place advertisements on their site to (hopefully!) help their web site visitors find additional information and products that are relevant to their site’s theme and therefore what those visitors came to their website looking for. Of course, it also helps if those advertisements also make money for the webmaster!
Unfortunately, serving advertisements online isn't always easy. Many advertisement companies offering the service of placing ads on our sites have managed to turn the advertisement business into one big mess. Thousands of sites are bogged down with non-relevant pop-ups, pop-unders, pop-ins and banners. What happens to our sites if these advertisements rarely hit their mark? No matter how many banners and pop-ups we show about herbal remedies to our visitors if we run a website about car parts they will not be interested and they will never click on those ads. Not only that, but this kind of untargeted advertisement can even have a negative effect on our traffic.
Who wants to go to a site that requires us to close pop-ups every minute or for every page we view? In order to have advertisements that are interesting AND relevant to our visitors there is now a program called ‘Google AdSense'. Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive Google AdWords ads on our website's content pages and earn money.
Since the ads are actually related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll have a way to both monetize and enhance your web page content. The program is free, and Google pays you for clicks on the AdWords advertisements on your site. Google offers their AdSense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program with Google you receive code to enter on the pages of your site and Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your own web site’s content.
Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the links in the AdSense ad on your site Google credits you with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad. AdSense also provides us with the option to be selective in which type of ads we want to display on our websites making it possible to send our visitors towards a certain type of products. To make it possible for everyone to integrate AdSense into their sites the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow us to alter the ads appearance.
The Google AdSense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching it has become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements.
A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that ads that are not related to your site’s theme no longer show up.
An AdSense service can be set up within minutes from the comforts of your chair and by providing your website's visitors with a certain amount of directed ads you can generate for yourself anything from a small to a sizeable income through the use of AdSense
by: J. E. Johnson
Webmasters place advertisements on their site to (hopefully!) help their web site visitors find additional information and products that are relevant to their site’s theme and therefore what those visitors came to their website looking for. Of course, it also helps if those advertisements also make money for the webmaster!
Unfortunately, serving advertisements online isn't always easy. Many advertisement companies offering the service of placing ads on our sites have managed to turn the advertisement business into one big mess. Thousands of sites are bogged down with non-relevant pop-ups, pop-unders, pop-ins and banners. What happens to our sites if these advertisements rarely hit their mark? No matter how many banners and pop-ups we show about herbal remedies to our visitors if we run a website about car parts they will not be interested and they will never click on those ads. Not only that, but this kind of untargeted advertisement can even have a negative effect on our traffic.
Who wants to go to a site that requires us to close pop-ups every minute or for every page we view? In order to have advertisements that are interesting AND relevant to our visitors there is now a program called ‘Google AdSense'. Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive Google AdWords ads on our website's content pages and earn money.
Since the ads are actually related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll have a way to both monetize and enhance your web page content. The program is free, and Google pays you for clicks on the AdWords advertisements on your site. Google offers their AdSense program to just about all website owners. After signing up for the program with Google you receive code to enter on the pages of your site and Google will dynamically generate ads that are relevant to your own web site’s content.
Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the links in the AdSense ad on your site Google credits you with a percentage of money that was paid by the advertiser for that ad. AdSense also provides us with the option to be selective in which type of ads we want to display on our websites making it possible to send our visitors towards a certain type of products. To make it possible for everyone to integrate AdSense into their sites the program offers a wide variety of settings that allow us to alter the ads appearance.
The Google AdSense program is incredibly accurate. By stepping beyond the boundaries of simple keyword matching it has become one of the most prominent tools to display accurate advertisements.
A list of keywords is still used as the basis of triggering ads, but complex algorithms now ensure that ads that are not related to your site’s theme no longer show up.
An AdSense service can be set up within minutes from the comforts of your chair and by providing your website's visitors with a certain amount of directed ads you can generate for yourself anything from a small to a sizeable income through the use of AdSense
Friday, January 18, 2008
make easy money on line
credit to Sarah McAllister
With the rapid number of people tapping into the secrets on how to make money online, it may arrouse your curiousity on how the heck people are doing it.
Well, today there are numerous amounts of ways to make money online. Each different types of ways to make money online all depend on the amount of money you want to make.
For example if you want to make some extra spending money, then you may want to get into paid surveys or something of that matter. But, if you want to make the big money and earn a full time living online then you may want to get into internet marketing.
Now, I know that your not here to make a couple of bucks that is why I am going to give you 5 easy ways to the big money online. Just keep in mind though that these ways that I am about to tell you about are not get rich quick schemes. Everything must be done with dedication and you must stay on task when doing these things online.
1. Affiliate Marketing
This is a very lucrative way to make a lot of money
online. Affiliate marketing is having the ability to sell other peoples products and receiving a commission off of it.
2. Google Adsense
Google adsense is awesome because if you own a website (which your going to eventually want too) you can place google ads all over it and when people click on those ads you get paid for it. It is as easy as it sounds.
3. Create your Own Product
If you are a master at something that you feel like teaching others about, you can write an ebook and set it up in clickbank to have other affiliates sell it for you. I definetly dont recommend starting with this one first because you should get the hang of how affiliate marketing works to start.
The reason why I say it is best to start up with just affiliate marketing because when you are just starting out with making money online with this field is because it can get really confusing to implement all the strategies that go along with it.
These are the top 3 ways that people are making thousands of dollars a month with. Hopefully you can now go and make some money online with some of the ideas I listed above. Good luck to you with starting up your new online business!
About the Author
Sarah McAllister is a writer, online entrepeneur, and a success addict! She has experienced many curves in the road which led her into the success she has today with her online business. Here is one of her reviews which she runs and recommends here: Profit Lance.
With the rapid number of people tapping into the secrets on how to make money online, it may arrouse your curiousity on how the heck people are doing it.
Well, today there are numerous amounts of ways to make money online. Each different types of ways to make money online all depend on the amount of money you want to make.
For example if you want to make some extra spending money, then you may want to get into paid surveys or something of that matter. But, if you want to make the big money and earn a full time living online then you may want to get into internet marketing.
Now, I know that your not here to make a couple of bucks that is why I am going to give you 5 easy ways to the big money online. Just keep in mind though that these ways that I am about to tell you about are not get rich quick schemes. Everything must be done with dedication and you must stay on task when doing these things online.
1. Affiliate Marketing
This is a very lucrative way to make a lot of money
online. Affiliate marketing is having the ability to sell other peoples products and receiving a commission off of it.
2. Google Adsense
Google adsense is awesome because if you own a website (which your going to eventually want too) you can place google ads all over it and when people click on those ads you get paid for it. It is as easy as it sounds.
3. Create your Own Product
If you are a master at something that you feel like teaching others about, you can write an ebook and set it up in clickbank to have other affiliates sell it for you. I definetly dont recommend starting with this one first because you should get the hang of how affiliate marketing works to start.
The reason why I say it is best to start up with just affiliate marketing because when you are just starting out with making money online with this field is because it can get really confusing to implement all the strategies that go along with it.
These are the top 3 ways that people are making thousands of dollars a month with. Hopefully you can now go and make some money online with some of the ideas I listed above. Good luck to you with starting up your new online business!
About the Author
Sarah McAllister is a writer, online entrepeneur, and a success addict! She has experienced many curves in the road which led her into the success she has today with her online business. Here is one of her reviews which she runs and recommends here: Profit Lance.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
submint your site to major search engines for free here

Free Website Directory

Free Website Directory
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Make money on line for free
credit to salim rana
When it comes to free ways to make money online there is no shortage of ways to do it. Of course if you have a product of your own that is the best place to start. What if you do not have a product of your own?
Here are a few ways you can sell stuff online with affiliate marketing to make money for yourself.
Affiliate Programs. Getting paid to sell other people's products is the quickest way to get going that I have found. Affiliate marketing has been around for over 10 years now and many people look at as one of the first companies to sell products this way.
You can make money selling clicks such as with Google Adsense. You can make money selling leads with affiliate programs like Max Bounty. You can make money selling products. One such way is to sell information products like you would find at ClickBank.
Another thing you can do is affiliate program directories like or Commissions Junction where they have compiled some of the best products to sell in one place.
Certainly network marketing also offers some great residual income for repeat business on a monthly basis. Many MLM companies will set up your customers and distributors on auto-ship and the products they order go out like clock work every month. When they do you make a commission every month just like clockwork as well.
Selling memberships is also profitable. This can be done through both affiliate marketing as well as network marketing. Getting paid over and over for making one sale is called residual income. Products that can be accessed online and offer value to your customer are great to sell. Paid memberships fit this description. Subscriptions on how to run a home business, personal development, paid newsletters on every subject imaginable, website hosting, autoresponders, and just about anything you can think of, offer you a chance to create residual income.
Two tier programs where you get paid on the sales of people you recruit work great for paid membership programs as well. Of course network marketing falls into this category and can even be better because you can make money every month on the sales of a large group of people.
The key with most paid subscription programs is you make a little bit of money on every sale. The first month this may not amount to much. The second month it can be more. In a year it can be quite a lot. Kind of like compound interest if you know how that works.
Free ways to make money online abound and it is really a question of deciding what interests you and what income model you want to use.
About the Author
Saleem Rana has a turnkey money machine that prints 24/7 profits! And he's giving YOU the exact system to do it too!
When it comes to free ways to make money online there is no shortage of ways to do it. Of course if you have a product of your own that is the best place to start. What if you do not have a product of your own?
Here are a few ways you can sell stuff online with affiliate marketing to make money for yourself.
Affiliate Programs. Getting paid to sell other people's products is the quickest way to get going that I have found. Affiliate marketing has been around for over 10 years now and many people look at as one of the first companies to sell products this way.
You can make money selling clicks such as with Google Adsense. You can make money selling leads with affiliate programs like Max Bounty. You can make money selling products. One such way is to sell information products like you would find at ClickBank.
Another thing you can do is affiliate program directories like or Commissions Junction where they have compiled some of the best products to sell in one place.
Certainly network marketing also offers some great residual income for repeat business on a monthly basis. Many MLM companies will set up your customers and distributors on auto-ship and the products they order go out like clock work every month. When they do you make a commission every month just like clockwork as well.
Selling memberships is also profitable. This can be done through both affiliate marketing as well as network marketing. Getting paid over and over for making one sale is called residual income. Products that can be accessed online and offer value to your customer are great to sell. Paid memberships fit this description. Subscriptions on how to run a home business, personal development, paid newsletters on every subject imaginable, website hosting, autoresponders, and just about anything you can think of, offer you a chance to create residual income.
Two tier programs where you get paid on the sales of people you recruit work great for paid membership programs as well. Of course network marketing falls into this category and can even be better because you can make money every month on the sales of a large group of people.
The key with most paid subscription programs is you make a little bit of money on every sale. The first month this may not amount to much. The second month it can be more. In a year it can be quite a lot. Kind of like compound interest if you know how that works.
Free ways to make money online abound and it is really a question of deciding what interests you and what income model you want to use.
About the Author
Saleem Rana has a turnkey money machine that prints 24/7 profits! And he's giving YOU the exact system to do it too!
Generating traffic- the mistakes you should avoid
Some webmasters regard traffic as something very precious to the extent they go out of their ways just to get them. Professional webmasters know better than to drive aimless traffic to their website. There is such thing as quality traffic and traffic that are not even worth your time.
Traffic, in its very essence, is good. However, most websites has a limit as to how much traffic they can accommodate per month. The amount of traffic you can direct to your website is determined by your web hosting service. They assign a number to all the sites they host so that the resources of their servers are not maximized. If they don't do this, the other websites they are hosting will be affected.
The average bandwidth that web-hosting companies give nowadays is 1 Gigabyte. And if you exceed that amount, your website is bound to show that annoying error message saying 'Page Cannot Be Displayed'. Web hosting companies are forced to do this so as not to experience downtimes on their servers. Imagine the impact to your business if your website can't be accessed at the most crucial time. People would think that either you have shut down your service without prior notice or you are simply unreliable.
Your goal as a web master is not just to direct traffic. You have to make sure that you generate targeted traffic to your site. Untargeted traffic is only a waste of your time and your resources. It is a must that you settle with quality, targeted traffic all the time. This means that the visitors whom you direct to your site through your promotional activities are the people who are genuinely interested, willing to buy, or are actually looking for the product, service, or information that you have.
Some webmasters resort to paying for traffic. This move is acceptable, but if and only if you are totally sure that the traffic you are paying for is good traffic. You have no way of knowing, really. Because all you can really check is the visitor's country of origin. Whether or not these people really want to check your product or avail of your service, you would only know after auditing the monthly statistics of your website and comparing it against your sales figures.
For more affiliate marketing tips and resources, visit my blog at
You are welcome to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.
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Traffic, in its very essence, is good. However, most websites has a limit as to how much traffic they can accommodate per month. The amount of traffic you can direct to your website is determined by your web hosting service. They assign a number to all the sites they host so that the resources of their servers are not maximized. If they don't do this, the other websites they are hosting will be affected.
The average bandwidth that web-hosting companies give nowadays is 1 Gigabyte. And if you exceed that amount, your website is bound to show that annoying error message saying 'Page Cannot Be Displayed'. Web hosting companies are forced to do this so as not to experience downtimes on their servers. Imagine the impact to your business if your website can't be accessed at the most crucial time. People would think that either you have shut down your service without prior notice or you are simply unreliable.
Your goal as a web master is not just to direct traffic. You have to make sure that you generate targeted traffic to your site. Untargeted traffic is only a waste of your time and your resources. It is a must that you settle with quality, targeted traffic all the time. This means that the visitors whom you direct to your site through your promotional activities are the people who are genuinely interested, willing to buy, or are actually looking for the product, service, or information that you have.
Some webmasters resort to paying for traffic. This move is acceptable, but if and only if you are totally sure that the traffic you are paying for is good traffic. You have no way of knowing, really. Because all you can really check is the visitor's country of origin. Whether or not these people really want to check your product or avail of your service, you would only know after auditing the monthly statistics of your website and comparing it against your sales figures.
For more affiliate marketing tips and resources, visit my blog at
You are welcome to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
drive traffic to your website through yahoo answers
To increase online traffic is the most important factor for any webmaster to make money, it is also the most important skill to learn for any online business to survive.
There are many FREE ways to drive traffic to your website, online business owners without a huge advertising budget will be able to take advantage of it. The only question is how to do it and what strategies to apply. There is a common misconception that many webmasters have, they think that free forms of traffic are low in quality. In fact it is not! It's all depend on what kind of sources you are using.
In this article, I am going to talk about using Yahoo Answer to increase online traffic to your website. Will you be interested?
I properly don't have to tell you that Yahoo Answers works in a very simple way, any users will ask questions and any users can answer their questions. Yahoo Answers seems to be the perfect solution for most people. When they need help, they will post a question at Yahoo Answer and people around the world will provide them with an answer to solve their problem. So what does this have to do with increase online traffic?
Go to Yahoo Answer and look at the people answering the questions, you will realise that many of them aren't utilizing it to their advantage of driving traffic to their websites! When you help someone out, you build direct trust, and when you take the next step to offer a greater solution to help them even further, you increase your sales. This is very similar to Forum marketing.
There are so many different niches and markets to choose from so you are bound to be an expert in a certain area. Go to Yahoo Answer and look for questions that are posted on your niches. Help them by posting a good Answer and provide them with a link to your website. You got it. People will always have problems, your products and services will help them to solve their problems. Once you build trust with them, they will click on your link to see what you can offer to help them. Remember that solving a problem equals a higher conversion in sales or commission.
It is a great way to increase online traffic using Yahoo Answer, because visitors that click on your link are very targeted traffic and they are also very potential customers. It is a waste if you do not make use of this source to drive traffic to your website.
To increase online traffic is the most important factor for any webmaster to make money, it is also the most important skill to learn for any online business to survive.
There are many FREE ways to drive traffic to your website, online business owners without a huge advertising budget will be able to take advantage of it. The only question is how to do it and what strategies to apply. There is a common misconception that many webmasters have, they think that free forms of traffic are low in quality. In fact it is not! It's all depend on what kind of sources you are using.
In this article, I am going to talk about using Yahoo Answer to increase online traffic to your website. Will you be interested?
I properly don't have to tell you that Yahoo Answers works in a very simple way, any users will ask questions and any users can answer their questions. Yahoo Answers seems to be the perfect solution for most people. When they need help, they will post a question at Yahoo Answer and people around the world will provide them with an answer to solve their problem. So what does this have to do with increase online traffic?
Go to Yahoo Answer and look at the people answering the questions, you will realise that many of them aren't utilizing it to their advantage of driving traffic to their websites! When you help someone out, you build direct trust, and when you take the next step to offer a greater solution to help them even further, you increase your sales. This is very similar to Forum marketing.
There are so many different niches and markets to choose from so you are bound to be an expert in a certain area. Go to Yahoo Answer and look for questions that are posted on your niches. Help them by posting a good Answer and provide them with a link to your website. You got it. People will always have problems, your products and services will help them to solve their problems. Once you build trust with them, they will click on your link to see what you can offer to help them. Remember that solving a problem equals a higher conversion in sales or commission.
It is a great way to increase online traffic using Yahoo Answer, because visitors that click on your link are very targeted traffic and they are also very potential customers. It is a waste if you do not make use of this source to drive traffic to your website.
Monday, January 14, 2008
making money online
An easy way to start making money at home almost effortlessly with your online business is to set up a Clickbank website. This site would offer electronic products available through the Clickbank marketplace that you can sell as an affiliate and earn commissions from. Clickbank is probably the best way online to sell affiliate products.
I wouldn't say that Clickbank is a business for making money at home in itself. Rather, it is something that allows you earn extra cash, big or small, from product sales to boost your regular online business income. In my opinion, it should be used as a supplement to your internet business, not as your only means of generating income.
I say that because an online business is more than just selling products and services to make money at home. A business means you offer something of quality to customers over the long haul in hopes that they will become repeat customers because you have offered information or services that are unbeatable from a source they can trust.
If you want to start making money at home quickly to supplement your business, Clickbank works like a charm, but you have to know how to use it effectively if you want to make the sales.
That's where Clickbank Elite comes in. Clickbank Elite is both a manual and software that will help you choose the top-selling items at Clickbank that you want to promote on your site or blog, or other advertising means. It is updated regularly so you know what's hot and what's not.
The software gives you a search screen where you can select products by keyword, categories, subcategories, commissions earned, popularity, gravity, and so on. You can further sort the data you receive with dropdown menu choices and even export it to a spreadsheet if you want.
Product rankings will let you know which products will help you start making money at home. You can even track where your sales came from, find products that will soon become hot sellers, and create ads that look like Adsense ads to promote your products.
Will this software really generate more sales for you and get you earning more money at home? Well I have been using Clickbank Elite for several months now, and while it is great at helping you find the best products to promote online, it has really not helped me anymore than one person's advice on a forum.
If you have no idea what products to promote, or what gravity and $/sale means, then it's a good idea to get a copy of Clickbank Elite because it will help you start making money at home.
But if you have a good or even basic knowledge already of what gravity means, how much you want to earn, and $/sale, then you really don't gain a lot more by ordering Clickbank Elite than you would by simply going to the Clickbank marketplace and choosing products based on gravity and $/sale.
The thing to remember when making money at home with Clickbank is that if you choose products that are extremely popular sellers, then as a newbie internet marketer, you may not generate any sales because all the top dogs are using their savvy advertising skills and profits to beat you out.
Therefore, making money at home for you would mean knowing how to choose what's popular, but not too popular. For someone just starting out, you might want to choose a product where gravity is about 60-100, and $/sale is more than $20.00. These numbers are listed right on the Clickbank website.
Now I admit to not always being on top of the game with Clickbank and Clickbank Elite, as there are people making fortunes who are using Clickbank Elite on a regular basis, downloading the updates and new products daily. If you do this, you will have an advantage by using Clickbank Elite.
However, with a solid background in internet marketing, and a knowledge of what products to choose based on the criteria mentioned above, then you will still be making money at home with Clickbank without using Clickbank Elite. Much of my income comes from here, so it's a good thing to consider!
I wouldn't say that Clickbank is a business for making money at home in itself. Rather, it is something that allows you earn extra cash, big or small, from product sales to boost your regular online business income. In my opinion, it should be used as a supplement to your internet business, not as your only means of generating income.
I say that because an online business is more than just selling products and services to make money at home. A business means you offer something of quality to customers over the long haul in hopes that they will become repeat customers because you have offered information or services that are unbeatable from a source they can trust.
If you want to start making money at home quickly to supplement your business, Clickbank works like a charm, but you have to know how to use it effectively if you want to make the sales.
That's where Clickbank Elite comes in. Clickbank Elite is both a manual and software that will help you choose the top-selling items at Clickbank that you want to promote on your site or blog, or other advertising means. It is updated regularly so you know what's hot and what's not.
The software gives you a search screen where you can select products by keyword, categories, subcategories, commissions earned, popularity, gravity, and so on. You can further sort the data you receive with dropdown menu choices and even export it to a spreadsheet if you want.
Product rankings will let you know which products will help you start making money at home. You can even track where your sales came from, find products that will soon become hot sellers, and create ads that look like Adsense ads to promote your products.
Will this software really generate more sales for you and get you earning more money at home? Well I have been using Clickbank Elite for several months now, and while it is great at helping you find the best products to promote online, it has really not helped me anymore than one person's advice on a forum.
If you have no idea what products to promote, or what gravity and $/sale means, then it's a good idea to get a copy of Clickbank Elite because it will help you start making money at home.
But if you have a good or even basic knowledge already of what gravity means, how much you want to earn, and $/sale, then you really don't gain a lot more by ordering Clickbank Elite than you would by simply going to the Clickbank marketplace and choosing products based on gravity and $/sale.
The thing to remember when making money at home with Clickbank is that if you choose products that are extremely popular sellers, then as a newbie internet marketer, you may not generate any sales because all the top dogs are using their savvy advertising skills and profits to beat you out.
Therefore, making money at home for you would mean knowing how to choose what's popular, but not too popular. For someone just starting out, you might want to choose a product where gravity is about 60-100, and $/sale is more than $20.00. These numbers are listed right on the Clickbank website.
Now I admit to not always being on top of the game with Clickbank and Clickbank Elite, as there are people making fortunes who are using Clickbank Elite on a regular basis, downloading the updates and new products daily. If you do this, you will have an advantage by using Clickbank Elite.
However, with a solid background in internet marketing, and a knowledge of what products to choose based on the criteria mentioned above, then you will still be making money at home with Clickbank without using Clickbank Elite. Much of my income comes from here, so it's a good thing to consider!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Earn through PPP Ads (pay per play ads)
If you want to know how to make money online step by step go here.
Pay per play ads from NetAudioAds is a new idea in online advertising. From 1st Feb 2008 you can display PPP(pay per play) ads on your website or blog. You can sign up through
You will earn from traffic to your site. When a visitor will come to your site a 5 seconds ads will play automatically and you will start earning. Participation in PPP ads are free.
You have to insert a JavaScript code in your site. You will get paid through your pay pal account or by check in US dollars. Your website language must be in English. You can participate from any part of the world.
Ads will be played in contextual manner. That means ads will be relevant to your site
content. As you will be earning from traffic some extra money can be earned through PPP ads without any additional effort.
If you want to know how to make money online step by step go here.
Pay per play ads from NetAudioAds is a new idea in online advertising. From 1st Feb 2008 you can display PPP(pay per play) ads on your website or blog. You can sign up through
You will earn from traffic to your site. When a visitor will come to your site a 5 seconds ads will play automatically and you will start earning. Participation in PPP ads are free.
You have to insert a JavaScript code in your site. You will get paid through your pay pal account or by check in US dollars. Your website language must be in English. You can participate from any part of the world.
Ads will be played in contextual manner. That means ads will be relevant to your site
content. As you will be earning from traffic some extra money can be earned through PPP ads without any additional effort.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
earn through text link ads
In last year (2007) become a popular ad network. Also many webmasters get troubled for using this ad network when they were not cautious. Before going to that point let's take a brief overview of that ad network.
You can place text link ads from advertisers through this ad network. You will get 50% revenue of advertisers bid. The minimum payout is $25 when you want to receive check. If you wish to receive payment through Pay Pal no minimum payout. Payment is sent in the first of the month. They also have affiliate program. You can also place ads in your rss feed of your blog. Currently they support only Wordpress blog.
Now what trouble one can get using this ad network and how to solve that? As you know search engines like Google do not like too many reciprocal links and HATE paid links.
Google take it too seriously when any one use any deceptive manner to get up in the search ranking. These ads are paid link.
So it have an effect on search results. So when you are using any paid link on your site you have to take the necessary steps. Here is Google help how to use paid links :
Many publishers have been penalized by Google for using paid links. So if you wish to earn some extra bucks you can use this ad network with little caution.
You can place text link ads from advertisers through this ad network. You will get 50% revenue of advertisers bid. The minimum payout is $25 when you want to receive check. If you wish to receive payment through Pay Pal no minimum payout. Payment is sent in the first of the month. They also have affiliate program. You can also place ads in your rss feed of your blog. Currently they support only Wordpress blog.
Now what trouble one can get using this ad network and how to solve that? As you know search engines like Google do not like too many reciprocal links and HATE paid links.
Google take it too seriously when any one use any deceptive manner to get up in the search ranking. These ads are paid link.
So it have an effect on search results. So when you are using any paid link on your site you have to take the necessary steps. Here is Google help how to use paid links :
Many publishers have been penalized by Google for using paid links. So if you wish to earn some extra bucks you can use this ad network with little caution.
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